Safety Citations Issued To AL Steel Manufacturer

Federal officials issued safety citations to a steel manufacturing company and proposed more than $117,000 in fines Wednesday. Fifteen safety citations have been issued to the Northport-based Hanna Steel Corp, U.S. Department of Labor officials said. The plant manufactures steel tubing and pre-painted steel.

NORTHPORT, Ala. (AP) — Federal officials issued safety citations to a steel manufacturing company and proposed more than $117,000 in fines Wednesday.

Fifteen safety citations have been issued to the Northport-based Hanna Steel Corp, U.S. Department of Labor officials said. The plant manufactures steel tubing and pre-painted steel.

The company was inspected in February and investigators found two repeat violations, nine serious safety violations and four other violations, representatives in the department's Occupational Health and Safety Administration said in a statement.

The repeat citations accuse the company of failing to ensure safety equipment on grinders was properly adjusted, and department officials also said the company didn't develop a plan to deal with potentially hazardous energy during equipment maintenance. The same violations were spotted when the steel manufacturing plant was inspected in July 2009.

Hanna Steel "is aware of what actions need to be taken to protect its workers," Ramona Morris, OHSA area director said in a release. "Employers are responsible for ensuring that their employees have a safe and healthful workplace."

Officials said Hanna Steel also failed to require hand protection for employees working under hazardous conditions.

A message left with a Hanna Steel representative was not immediately returned.

The company has 15 business days to bring its facility within compliance or request a conference with the OSHA area director to contest the department's findings before a review panel.

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