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Daily Sound Bite: Smithfield to Shutter Packing Plant

As Smithfield Foods consolidates operations, the company is closing Smithfield Packing Co. in Landover, Md. The plant currently employs 175 workers, some of whom will be transferred to other packing facilities in the area. The company will move it's bone-in ham production to other states.

As Smithfield Foods consolidates operations, the company is closing Smithfield Packing Co. in Landover, Md. The plant currently employs 175 workers, some of whom will be transferred to other packing facilities in the area. The company will move it's bone-in ham production to other states. Tim Schellpeper, Smithfield Packing's president, said in a statement,

"The Landover plant is a facility that no longer meets our ever-changing production needs. We will work diligently to transfer as many employees as possible to our other operations."

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