This 2.5 day workshop provides attendees with a firm understanding of the principles of HACCP and its realistic application to specific industries. While emphasis focuses on the requirements of the Food Safety Management Standards and specific industry/company interests, the agenda is designed for the specific operational needs of our attendees. All activities are conducted in a strictly confidential manner and attendees are encouraged to bring their HACCP programs to work on during the breakout sessions. An excellent opportunity to develop, review and revise your program with the assistance of expert guidance. Attendees gain knowledge of the principles of HACCP as defined by Codex and the requirements defined in the food safety management standards and how these apply to their industry and operations. Learn in a small class environment with “real world” exercises. Workshop is approved by International HACCP Alliance; upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a gold seal from IHA. Instructors: Debby Newslow, Nancy McDonald and Dr. Ron Schmidt. Note: This class ends at noon on Wednesday.
Food Safety/HACCP Program Development
This 2.5 day workshop provides attendees with a firm understanding of the principles of HACCP and its realistic application to specific industries.
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