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MCA Announces Free Webinar On Advanced Motion And Vision Integration

The Motion Control Association (MCA), in collaboration with its sister association, AIA, the global trade association for the vision and imaging industry, will host a free webinar on  Advanced Motion and Vision Integration on Friday, March 23.

ANN ARBOR, MI -- The Motion Control Association (MCA), in collaboration with its sister association, AIA, the global trade association for the vision and imaging industry, will host a free webinar on  Advanced Motion and Vision Integration on Friday, March 23, 2012 from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon EST.  This webinar will be presented by Senior Engineer Priya Ramachandran from National Instruments.  Over 520 people have already registered to participate.  In addition to National Instruments, Infranor and MoviMED are sponsoring this webinar.

Integrated motion-vision systems can automate tasks at accuracies and speeds that provide next-generation machines with faster throughput, higher quality, and lower cost. These benefits are being leveraged across many industries and applications.  Webinar participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the different integration levels starting from the basic to highly advanced applications requiring FPGA-based solutions.

Participants will learn the benefits of motion and vision integration; the implementation techniques for integrating motion and vision systems; and solutions to address common challenges that developers face when integrating motion and vision.

This webinar is open to anyone interested in this topic.  Free registration is available on