How to Stop Overpromising Resources and Underdelivering on the Pipeline

In a recent benchmark study, respondents identified their #1 pain point: “having too many projects for their resources” And with product development groups there is a continued dependence upon disparate spreadsheets and manual approaches to managing arguably their most precious resource and asset: people.


In a recent benchmark study, respondents identified their #1 pain point: “having too many projects for their resources” And with product development groups there is a continued dependence upon disparate spreadsheets and manual approaches to managing arguably their most precious resource and asset: people. Without a holistic approach to product portfolio management, companies will continue committing to more than they can deliver, with wide-ranging ramifications on time to market, margins, competitive differentiation, and strategic alignment of their product roadmaps. As Forrester states, “few processes have as much impact on a company’s product innovation efforts and financial performance as managing the R&D pipeline and resulting new products.” Managing the pipeline is directly related to managing the resources to deliver on the pipeline. This white paper shows how you can stop over promising resources and under-delivering on the product pipeline!
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