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Accelerate Your Business Growth

How can your manufacturing enterprise set itself up to grow even as the competition becomes more intense? This report will explore strategies to help keep your company ahead of the curve, such as understanding how to navigate changes in customer expectations and what to consider when updating your legacy ERP system.

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ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH STRATEGIES TO EXPAND & CAPITALIZE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES BROUGHT TO YOU BY: 2 | ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH Cutting-edge technologies have allowed small businesses to storm into nearly every marketplace and disrupt industries that never saw it coming. One case-in-point often used is Uber — the world’s largest transportation company that doesn’t own any cars. “With technology, even the smallest company can look like a big player,” says Terri Hiskey, vice president of product marketing with Epicor Software Corporation, an industry-specific software solutions company. This is especially true in the tech industry, which continues to enjoy fast growth, even as it is flooded with new companies building a business around one niche, like a new app. With the threat of new competition lurking ahead, manufacturing companies must stay nimble and be willing to innovate their operations to drive future growth. How can your manufacturing enterprise set itself up to grow even as the competition becomes more intense? This report will explore strategies to help keep your company ahead of the curve, such as understanding how to navigate changes in customer expectations and what to consider when updating your legacy ERP system. WHO’S GROWING AND WHY According to Hiskey, a healthy amount of business growth is at least 2–3 percent increased revenue year-over-year. For some industries, the conditions are ripe for achieving an even more satisfying target. The medical devices market, for example, is set to capitalize on major gains as America’s population ages and looks to medical devices to help extend and improve quality of life. Meanwhile, in the chemicals industry, major players are looking to turbocharge growth by embarking on mega mergers and acquisitions. Because the process of going through a merger often necessitates that the companies streamline processes and divest less profitable arms of the business, it also helps companies trim the fat from their portfolios and bring the goals of the company into sharper focus. Throughout the manufacturing industry, the push has shifted in recent years from going lean to seeking growth by capitalizing on Industry 4.0 — the revolutionary shift toward automation, IoT and smarter operations. Below are some strategies Hiskey recommends for manufacturers looking to boost business growth by adjusting their business model and capitalizing on the latest technologies. There’s a simple adage in the business world that separates the winners from everyone else: growth equals. survival. —Statista 2017 2020 ESTIMATED GROWTH OF WORLDWIDE CONNECTED DEVICES $28.4 BILLION $50.1 BILLION 3 | ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS “Many manufacturers are looking at new geographies they can sell into,” Hiskey says. This could mean going global, which Hiskey admits is a regulatory “can of worms” — but one that can also pay off. Another way to expand is to utilize your brand in a new way. If you have a popular product, for instance, maybe there is an opportunity to offer a spin-off? Look at related markets and your competition to see how you can disrupt them with your unique products and offerings. ADD VALUE TO YOUR E-COMMERCE In the age of Amazon, customers are used to buying almost everything they want with just a few clicks from wherever they are, and they expect that experience with any kind of product — including business-to-business transactions. With that in mind, your e-commerce platform should be easy and intuitive to navigate. Communication about orders should also be prompt and helpful, so that customers aren’t left wondering if their order is confirmed, when it will arrive or if they have been billed. Many manufacturers also have yet to improve their e-commerce process — but doing so is a way to add value for your customers and edge out your competition. “Smaller companies are starting to understand this and the fact that if they want to grow they have to offer different ways for buyers to interact with them,” Hiskey says. USE TECH TO ATTRACT THE NEXT GENERATION It’s no secret that emerging technologies have revolutionized the factory line in manufacturing facilities — from robotics to automation to remote monitoring. All of those updates should be a welcome change to manufacturers, Hiskey says. And while there may be concerns about the impact of these changes on jobs, Hiskey argues that investing in these tools can be a boon for employees. For example, many automation devices free employees from having to do repetitive, dull work and could instead allow them to find a new specialty in the facility. It also shows your employees that you want a top-notch facility for them to work in. “Investing in technology and training your employees in new tools...shows confidence that you’re investing in your workforce,” Hiskey says. High-tech upgrades also give the manufacturing industry a facelift in the eyes of the younger generation — an issue of growing importance as the current workforce ages and retires. “You can backfill jobs...and bring in younger folks who want to work with new technologies and see it as a cool area to be in,” Hiskey says. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BIG DATA The right enterprise resource planning (ERP) software not only helps manage all the major functions of the office — from purchasing to sales and HR — but it can also generate useful data to give new insights to every aspect of the business. The reduction in year-over-year operating costs “best in class” organizations achieve by taking full advantage of their ERP system. — Jack Payne, Aptean26% 4 | ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH “It’s really about knowing what you want from the start and then enacting it,” Hiskey says. When sizing up different ERP systems, have a clear set of priorities can help you zero in on which system will serve your company best. From there, make sure you have a system that is going to stand the test of time. Technology is moving so fast that upgrades and new features come along all the time — you don’t want to wind up with a system that isn’t compatible with these changes. Hiskey likens it to not being able to download a new app because you don’t have the right smart phone. “It’s about having an open application interface (API),” Hiskey explains. “[That way if there’s an application you want], you can plug it into whatever system you have in place so that all of your systems talk to each other.” ERP SYSTEM SHOPPING 1. SET PRIORITIES “Technology is to the point that when you download an app you don’t expect a week of training to use it,” Hiskey says. “In the business environment, people expect the same thing.” Hiskey says that many companies are using ERP solutions that are 90 percent pre-made and about 10 percent customizable. This way, the system can be implemented more quickly and is easy to learn, yet allows for enough flexibility to allow users to personalize their experience. 2. KEEP IT EASY It’s important to have a plan about how your company is going to aggregate and analyze that new data. “One of the issues companies have raised for years is that they are collecting data but they don’t know what to do with it,” Hiskey explains. “Recent statistics show that up to 70 percent of manufacturing data that’s collected is untouched.” Fortunately, ERP vendors often now provide prepackaged analytics tools that can generate useful analysis for many aspects of the business — from work flow to the packaging line. These analytics tools can help manufacturers predict and address problems before they happen. And down the line, Hiskey says that artificial intelligence will be leveraged analyze data and make recommendations for business operations. 3. ANALYTICS Finding the right ERP system can be overwhelming, however. With so much money on the line, it’s crucial to invest in a system that doesn’t just provide the right functionality today, but will be easy to upgrade in the future. “You want to make sure that whatever [ERP system] you put in today will be future- proof so that if something else becomes the industry norm in a few years, you will be able to take advantage of it, instead of having to re-architect your technology,” Hiskey says. CONCLUSION The technology revolution in business is far from over. Changes are not just still happening — they are occurring at a rate faster than ever before. To continue growing, manufacturers have to be willing to adapt quickly and utilize tech tools to their advantage. The good news is that many of these tools — including ERP systems — are becoming easier to implement and can offer manufacturers a treasure trove of new data to improve operations. On the e-commerce side, an improved interface can give your company a competitive boost. In fact, if done well, these technology improvements could become the reason people want to do business with you. 5 | ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH The information in this i-Report was researched and produced by Manufacturing.Net in conjunction with Epicor. Statistical data was researched and compiled by Advantage Business Media in April 2017. Epicor Software Corporation ( provides industry- specific business software designed around the needs of manufacturing, distribution, retail and services organizations. Epicor’s more than 40 years of experience with its customers’ unique business processes and operational requirements is built into every solution — in the cloud, hosted or on premises. ABOUT THIS REPORT ABOUT EPICOR