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RIP, Cassette Walkman?

RIP, cassette Walkman. Anyone who was alive in the ’80s or ’90s fondly remembers the Sony Walkman, once the world’s smallest cassette player. Of course, the march of technology makes all things obsolete, this gadget included. Sony has recently announced they will discontinue selling the product in most markets.

RIP, cassette Walkman.

Anyone who was alive in the ’80s or ’90s fondly remembers the Sony Walkman, once the world’s smallest cassette player. Of course, the march of technology makes all things obsolete, this gadget included. Sony has recently announced they will discontinue selling the product in most markets. So, in a time when we can store thousands of albums in a package smaller than the Walkman itself — all without flipping to side B — why are people mourning Walkman’s disappearance?

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