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Extended Communication Capability

TURCK announces the BL67 Ethernet gateway for Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP. Designed to provide a reliable communication solution for on-machine, modular I/O applications, the BL67 is ideal for use in environments where conditions may not be conducive to traditional I/O.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"177802","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"241","style":"float: right; margin: 10px;","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"300"}}]]TURCK (Minneapolis, MN) announces the BL67 Ethernet gateway for Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP. Designed to provide a reliable communication solution for on-machine, modular I/O applications, the BL67 is ideal for use in environments where conditions may not be conducive to traditional I/O. Featuring TURCK’s Multiprotocol technology, the BL67 gateway combines multiple Ethernet protocols in a single device, yet only allows one Ethernet master to control the outputs while the input and diagnostic data is available to the other protocols. The BL67 offers isolated power for 16 inputs and 16 outputs, in addition to 16 I/O configurations for flexible application requirements. An integrated Ethernet switch allows a line topology between multiple gateways without using an external switch, eliminating the need for additional cable runs to the PLC.

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