Get An Accurate Barcode Read

Cognex (Natick, MA) offers DataMan500 barcode readers. They are designed to read barcodes on product packaging to ensure that the right items are shipped to the right destination, and to collect data for instant inventory management. According to the company, they can read 1-D barcodes that lasers cannot read, such as codes that are damaged, distorted, blurred, scratched, have low height and low contrast, and codes presented in random orientation.

Cognex (Natick, MA) offers DataMan500 barcode readers. They are designed to read barcodes on product packaging to ensure that the right items are shipped to the right destination, and to collect data for instant inventory management. According to the company, they can read 1-D barcodes that lasers cannot read, such as codes that are damaged, distorted, blurred, scratched, have low height and low contrast, and codes presented in random orientation. Unlike traditional laser-based systems, the DataMan 500 can also read the newer 2-D codes, such as Data Matrix and QR codes, and can simultaneously read multiple codes that are in the same image.

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