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Collect Energy Usage Data

Eaton Corporation announced the launch of Power Xpert 200E gateway, an intelligent solution that collects energy usage data from meters, enabling customers to benchmark energy usage, set energy management goals, determine the effectiveness of energy management initiatives and reduce energy costs.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"177700","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"109","style":"float: right; margin: 10px;","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"300"}}]]Eaton Corporation (Pittsburgh, PA) announced the launch of Power Xpert 200E gateway, an intelligent solution that collects energy usage data from meters, enabling customers to benchmark energy usage, set energy management goals, determine the effectiveness of energy management initiatives and reduce energy costs. The Power Xpert 200E gateway reports on energy usage at the device, building and campus levels, indicating  energy usage trends and developing a baseline to enable customers to maximize energy efficiency. Enabling customers to measure and verify energy usage, the Power Xpert 200E gateway acquires data that can be instrumental in helping both existing and new buildings take advantage of government incentives.

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