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Manage Your Plant

Yokogawa Electric Corporation developed the R3.05 upgrade to its Plant Resource Manager (PRM), which is an integrated device management software package that can be used to manage, monitor, and diagnose plant field devices. The PRM now supports PROFIBUS DP/PA and wired HART 7 devices, allowing it to be used with a larger range of devices online.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation developed the R3.05 upgrade to its Plant Resource Manager (PRM), which is an integrated device management software package that can be used to manage, monitor, and diagnose plant field devices. The PRM now supports PROFIBUS DP/PA and wired HART 7 devices, allowing it to be used with a larger range of devices online. In addition, the system how has a new maintenance mark function, which links the maintenance marks with the function block operation marks, allowing operators to quickly access device maintenance status information on their screens.
