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Transform Power

The MGPD-SP-125-1D-45-3X50 power transformer gives operators the ability to tap into 480 VAC three phase power sources and convert it to the 120V/208Y VAC needed for powering equipment and lighting

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"157429","attributes":{"alt":"Transform Power","class":"media-image","height":"232","style":"float: right;","title":"Transform Power","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"320"}}]]The Magnalight (Kemp, TX) MGPD-SP-125-1D-45-3X50 power transformer gives operators the ability to tap into 480 VAC three phase power sources and convert it to the 120V/208Y VAC needed for powering equipment and lighting, explains the company. This power transformer is equipped with a 45 KVA transformer for heavy duty use and is equipped with main and secondary breakers for safe operation. Designed with integral skid pockets and a centrally located lifting eyelet for easy deployment, this transformer is ideal for new construction operations and plant turnarounds where standard voltages are unavailable.

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