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Window Lifter-Tilter

The Anver ETL Powered Vacuum Lifter-Tilter is an electric powered, crane operated unit that requires only 8-inches of head room and lets one person handle window assemblies.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"157533","attributes":{"alt":"Window Lifter-Tilter","class":"media-image","height":"232","style":"float: right;","title":"Window Lifter-Tilter","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"320"}}]]A new, electric powered, crane operated lifter-tilter for manufacturing and packaging windows and ports used in buses, RVs, aircraft, and ships is available from Anver Corp. (Hudson, MA). The Anver ETL Powered Vacuum Lifter-Tilter is an electric powered, crane operated unit that requires only 8-inches of head room and lets one person handle window assemblies for manufacturing, shipment, and installation, according to the company. Compact with a removable pendant control, this powered lifter-tilter can be equipped with suction vacuum pads configured to meet specific customer requirements. The Anver ETL Powered Vacuum Lifter-Tilter is offered in 250-, 500-, 1000-, and 2000-pound capacity versions. Standard equipment includes a vacuum leakage sensor with an audio-visual alarm that sounds if there is a vacuum loss. 

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