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Motorized Moveable Bases

Moveable bases come standard with lengths from 16 to 48 feet and overall weight capacities of 12,000 pounds for every 8 feet of shelving.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"157872","attributes":{"alt":"Motorized Moveable Bases","class":"media-image","height":"114","style":"float: right;","title":"Motorized Moveable Bases","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"350"}}]]Vidir’s (Arborg, Manitoba, Canada) motorized moveable bases are adaptable and flexible, and have been designed to industry standard specifications so existing racking can be integrated with Vidir’s system—giving users the best possible value, according to the company. Moveable bases come standard with lengths from 16 to 48 feet and overall weight capacities of 12,000 pounds for every 8 feet of shelving. All Vidir moveable bases come equipped with standard photoelectric sensors that pick up any interference on the ground level, immediately cutting power to the unit and allowing the operator to calmly remove the offending object before safely resuming operation.

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