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B3000 FlowMonitor

With advanced connectivity options, the meters can easily be connected to networks for remote monitoring and process automation capabilities.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"157746","attributes":{"alt":"B3000 FlowMonitor","class":"media-image","height":"320","style":"float: right;","title":"B3000 FlowMonitor","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"182"}}]]Industrial liquid and gas operations can find improved flow metering performance in the new Blancett B3000 FlowMonitor. As part of the Badger Meter Blancett (Milwaukee, WI) Turbine Flow Meter family, the new metering solution, a recent update from the B2800, provides a flexible, durable, and easy-to-use platform suited for even the most demanding environments, according to the company. With advanced connectivity options, the meters can easily be connected to networks for remote monitoring and process automation capabilities. And, robust alarm parameters provide faster warning when something changes in the process or pipeline.

For a complete list of B3000 features, visit