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SpectraLight QC

The SpectraLight QC is a visual color assessment lightbooth that can meet practically any specification, says the company.


[[{"fid":"161277","view_mode":"media_original","type":"media","attributes":{"height":232,"width":320,"style":"float: right;","alt":"SpectraLight QC","title":"SpectraLight QC","class":"media-element file-media-original"}}]]The SpectraLight QC from Gardco (Pompano Beach, FL) is a visual color assessment lightbooth that can meet practically any specification, says the company. This holistic solution starts with state of the art light sources and includes a data-driven back-end that carefully monitors the performance and condition of lamps, as well as a system to educate and certify operators. For brand owners, SpectraLight QC is a revolutionary system upon which to build standard operating procedures across supply chains. For suppliers, SpectraLight QC is an investment that proves a commitment to best practices in visual color assessment. In fact, at any checkpoint where approvals are necessary across the supply chain – at the supplier, the vendor, the sourcing office, all the way up to product design and corporate quality control – the SpectraLight QC reduces human error, standardizes conditions for visual assessment, and saves time and money, says the company.

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