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17 Watt LED Style Bulb,

This LED light is far more efficient than incandescent bulbs, producing 1600 lumens of light output from only 17 watts, says the company.


[[{"fid":"160929","view_mode":"media_original","type":"media","attributes":{"height":232,"width":320,"style":"float: right;","alt":"17 Watt LED Style Bulb","title":"17 Watt LED Style Bulb","class":"media-element file-media-original"}}]]The Larson Electronics (Kemp, TX) LED17W-PAR38-WP 17 Watt LED Style Bulb was designed for power, efficiency, and high durability and serves as an excellent alternative to incandescent bulbs used in standard E26 bulb sockets. This LED light is far more efficient than incandescent bulbs, producing 1600 lumens of light output from only 17 watts, making it ideal for consumers who want to reduce their power use but don’t want to compromise their lightings’ effectiveness, says the company. This LED light is also waterproof and offers durability and a long operating life due to its solid state construction. This light features an aluminum body for high strength and can withstand rough handling and use that would destroy typical incandescent bulbs.

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