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Heat Trace Cable

SLL heat trace can be used for continuous circuit lengths up to 7,000’ (2286 m), powered from a single source with output ranges up to 12 w/ft and voltages from 120 to 600 V.


[[{"fid":"160396","view_mode":"media_original","type":"media","attributes":{"height":232,"width":320,"style":"float: right;","alt":"Heat Trace Cable","title":"Heat Trace Cable","class":"media-element file-media-original"}}]]Chromalox (Pittsburgh, PA) has announced a new heat trace cable product, Series Long Line Heat Trace Cable (SLL). SLL heat trace is similar in construction to Chromalox’s current self-regulating heat trace, making it compatible with their current accessory offering. SLL heat trace is suited for use on extremely long pipelines where high temperature maintenance is critical for freeze protection and viscosity maintenance. Chromalox model SLL heat trace can be used for continuous circuit lengths up to 7,000’ (2286 m), powered from a single source with output ranges up to 12 w/ft and voltages from 120 to 600 V. The series resistance type heat trace cables can also withstand continuous exposure to temperatures up to 450 degrees F (232 degrees C).

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