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Personal Air Conditioning Vest

Since the belt holds the tubing for delivering hot or cold air to the wearer, improvements ensure that workers wearing the PAC receive even more cool or warm air to combat extreme ambient conditions, says the company.

ITW Vortec (Cincinnati, OH) has launched its re-designed Personal Air Conditioning (PAC) vest. The PAC vest now offers even more features to ensure comfort and cooling. Vortec has also lowered the price of most models and sizes of the PAC. Key design enhancements to the PAC vest include an integrated belt with a heat-resistant Nexus belt buckle. Since the belt holds the tubing for delivering hot or cold air to the wearer, these improvements ensure that workers wearing the PAC receive even more cool or warm air to combat extreme ambient conditions. The adjustable waist belt on the Vortec PAC provides a quick connection to cool or warm air with the Dual Action PAC switching quickly from hot to cold. The vests can be worn under other protective clothing and can be adjusted easily by the user, even with gloved hands.

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