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Temperature And Humidity Recorder

The iTHX-SD transmitter lets users view virtual charts and record temperature, relative humidty and dew point over an Ethernet network or the Internet using only a web browser. The device can trigger an alarm if the temperature or humidity goes above or below a set point that the user determines.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"127496","attributes":{"class":"media-image","style":"float: right; margin: 10px;","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]The iTHX-SD transmitter lets users view virtual charts and record temperature, relative humidty and dew point over an Ethernet network or the Internet using only a web browser. The device can trigger an alarm if the temperature or humidity goes above or below a set point that the user determines. The alarms can be sent by email to a single user or to a group distribution list, including text messages to cell phones and PDAs. The system includes a removable 2 GB SD flash memory card that can store up to 7 years of readings taken at 10 second intervals. The format is a text file that is easily imported to spreadsheets and other programs. It can be read directly on a PC or Mac with a USB card reader. Data can also be downloaded remotely over an Ethernet network or the Internet.

NEWPORT Electronics, Inc.,