Instapak® TempGuard™ Cold Chain Packaging is a high performance solution suited to keep temperature-sensitive products safe during shipment. The Polyurethane foam insulates better than expanded polystyrene (EPS), so products can be kept colder for longer.The packaging can be custom-designed by to accommodate the exact size and shape of products using inexpensive wood or plastic molds and the correct density of polyurethane foam. Coolers can be designed with cavities customized to fit the right amount of gel refrigerant or dry ice. Since the foam is not fused to an inside or outside corrugated shipping container, the cooler is reusable. Company's engineers can perform side-by-side shipping performance or environmental chamber testing to compare the packaging to a customer’s current package.
Cold Chain Packaging
Instapak® TempGuard™ Cold Chain Packaging is a high performance solution suited to keep temperature-sensitive products safe during shipment. The Polyurethane foam insulates better than expanded polystyrene (EPS), so products can be kept colder for longer.The packaging can be custom-designed by to accommodate the exact size and shape of products using inexpensive wood or plastic molds and the correct density of polyurethane foam.
Nov 13, 2009
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