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Green Air-Cleaning Technology

According to United Air Specialists, its Smog-Hog® electrostatic precipitators captures up to 99.9 percent of submicron smokes, mists and emulsion oils using washable collection cells.

United Air Smog-HogAccording to United Air Specialists, its Smog-Hog® electrostatic precipitators captures up to 99.9 percent of submicron smokes, mists and emulsion oils using washable collection cells. The Smog-Hog additionally delivers:

  • Green advantages that include reusable collection cells, a minimal fan size, low energy use, make-up air reduction, potential material recycling, and elimination of costs for filter media disposal and replacement.
  • Electrostatic precipitation, which captures particles down to 0.01 microns in size. 
  • Various prefilters and/or mist-stop filters to capture the largest particles first, depending on system configuration.
  • Electronic charging of smaller particles in an ionizing section, then capture of the particles on closely spaced plates in a collecting cell.
  • The recirculation of cleaned air into the plant or the atmosphere, reducing make-up air requirements up to 80 percent to save energy.
  • The ability to drain captured liquids from the collection cell for convenient disposal, reuse or recycling.
  • Operation on 0.7 amps per 1,000 CFM of capacity.
  • Availability for indoor or outdoor use, small source-capture applications down to 200 CFM or large process exhaust streams up to 40,000 CFM.
  • Your selection from ducted or unducted units, while smaller models can be mounted directly on machine-tool enclosures.
  • Compliance with OSHA and EPA regulations regarding metalworking oil smoke and coolant mists, welding smoke, quenching smoke, plasticizers, cooking smoke, asphalt smoke and similar mists.

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