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Nothing Gets Past this Lil’ Piggy

New Pig Corp. specifically designed its PIG® LEAKTRAPPER™ universal absorbent pillow to capture and absorb nuisance leaks at their source.


New Pig LEAKTRAPPERNew Pig Corp. specifically designed its PIG® LEAKTRAPPER™ universal absorbent pillow to capture and absorb nuisance leaks at their source, before they hit the floor and become a hazard. The company says that the LEAKTRAPPER™ pillow is further highlighted by:

  • The power to both catch and retain high-volume leaks and persistent drips.
  • The ability to absorb up to 33 ounces per pillow.
  • Cellulose filler to absorb oils, coolants, solvents and water.
  • A loop-backed bottom that attaches securely to heavy-duty Velcro® hooks.
  • The flexibility be easily positioned and repositioned around hose connections or virtually anything that leaks. 
  • A puncture-resistant, impermeable poly backing to prevent strike-through onto surfaces. 
  • Availability in several sizes, as well as an optional oil-only version.

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