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Scissor Lift And Rotate System For Carts

EnKon Systems, Herkules Equipment Corporation’s brand name of lift systems, has released a pneumatic Scissor Lift and Rotate System to specifically fit a customer’s cart for improving ergonomics and productivity in their facility.

Walled Lake, Michigan -- EnKon Systems, Herkules Equipment Corporation’s brand name of lift systems, designed, engineered, and manufactured a pneumatic Scissor Lift and Rotate System to specifically fit a customer’s cart for improving ergonomics and productivity in their facility. With this new system, the customer is now able to raise a cart containing a pallet to the proper heights while placing products onto the pallet. The rotate system allows the cart to easily turn 360⁰, reducing the time and back strain to complete the task. Once the pallet is fully loaded, the customer can lower the lift and roll the cart full of products to the next step in the process.

The system is built with the rotate bearing attached to a platform below the lift, with four mounting holes for securing the system to the floor. The high-grade rotate bearing is heavy-duty and can withstand load slamming from forklift trucks. Safety features include the optional bolt-on bellows skirt to protect from pinch points, a maintenance safety stop, and captured roller wheels to prevent the lift table from tipping. It is rated for a capacity of 2,000 lbs, and 12,000 duty cycles per year. 

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