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Coal Separation Technology

DriJet™ is a new coal preparation technology from Mineral Separation Technologies, which uses x-rays to measure the atomic mass of individual pieces of coal and pneumatic jets to separate the coal and ash fractions.


DriJet™ is a new coal preparation technology from Mineral Separation Technologies, which uses x-rays to measure the atomic mass of individual pieces of coal and pneumatic jets to separate the coal and ash fractions. The system has few moving parts, uses no water and requires low horsepower and no consumable chemicals at all. The DriJet™ can deliver high separation efficiency for the 2" X 1/4" fraction directly at the mine face making it an ideal solution for highwall mining operations and surface mines, and the reject can go right back into the pit. The system is semi-portable and can fit on a highwall shelf. It can be configured to aggressively remove liberated ash and sulfur with extraordinary separation efficiencies. 


Mineral Separation Technologies