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Hydrogen Sensor For Gas Chromatography

Agilent Technologies Inc. introduces the new Hydrogen Sensor for the 7890B Gas Chromatography system, which helps GC users move away from costly helium.

Agilent Technologies Inc. introduced the new Hydrogen Sensor for the 7890B Gas Chromatography system. The new sensor helps GC users move away from costly helium carrier gas by providing the additional level of security many organizations require in order to use hydrogen. The self-calibrating sensor will automatically execute a safe sequence for the shutdown of the GC system if even a small hydrogen leak is detected, preventing potentially hazardous situations in the laboratory. A Programmable Helium Conservation Module, with “Sleep-Wake” modes for the 7890B GC to conserve helium, increases the length of time a helium tank can be used and reduces the cost of helium in the laboratory.




Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, 1-408-553-7093,


