Potentiometer and Bipolar Signal Conditioners

AutomationDirect has expanded its line of signal conditioners to include potentiometer and bipolar signal conditioners to solve various interface problems between PLCs and analog input devices.

AutomationDirect has expanded its line of signal conditioners to include potentiometer and bipolar signal conditioners to solve various interface problems between PLCs and analog input devices. The FC-P3 is a 24 VAC/VDC potentiometer input to isolated analog output signal conditioner is designed to convert resistive signals from a 10 kilohm potentiometer to a 4-20 mA signal. The module is field-configurable for 3-wire potentiometer/slidewire inputs and can be scaled down to a minimum 10% of the potentiometer being used. Switch selectable, analog output options range from 0-20 mA to 0-10 V. Models are field-configurable and useful to eliminate ground loops and interfacing sensors to PLC analog input modules. Input and output signal levels are selected via DIP switches and input OFFSET and SPAN adjustments are customizable to a percentage of the full scale via a pushbutton on the front panel. The FC series signal conditioners are designed with a slim-line plastic housing which includes an integral 35mm DIN rail mounting adapter, LED indication, and removable screw terminal blocks for easy installation and wiring.


