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Universal Analyzer Series with Predictive Maintenance

Process and plant engineers seeking a lower cost, lower maintenance solution for multiple analytical measurements will find the integration of advanced SENTINEL predictive maintenance technology from Electro-Chemical Devices, Inc. into its new Model T80 Universal Transmitter and S80 Intelligent Sensor series minimizes the cost and technician labor required to replace sensor electrodes.

Process and plant engineers seeking a lower cost, lower maintenance solution for multiple analytical measurements will find the integration of advanced SENTINEL predictive maintenance technology from Electro-Chemical Devices, Inc. into its new Model T80 Universal Transmitter and S80 Intelligent Sensor series minimizes the cost and technician labor required to replace sensor electrodes. 

  • Alerts maintenance technicians to sensor electrode wear so that sensor electrodes are replaced only as necessary
  • Sensor replacement costs and labor time are reduced to the optimum level
  • Water quality remains constant and other related equipment and systems continue to perform at high levels
  • Provide Pre-pHault diagnostic information about the lifetime of a pH, ORP or pIon measurement
  • Easy-to-read display graphically shows a filled triangular gauge that decreases proportionally to the degradation of the reference electrode