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The Sky’s the Limit for this Hornet™

The extra high-density and ergonomic Hornet™ horizontal carousel and scissor lift system from Sapient Automation is a cost-effective way to automate storage and retrieval operations while optimizing available ceiling heights up to 25 feet.

Hornet™ horizontal carousel and scissor lift systemThe extra high-density and ergonomic Hornet™ horizontal carousel and scissor lift system from Sapient Automation is a cost-effective way to automate storage and retrieval operations while optimizing available ceiling heights up to 25 feet. According to the company:

  • These systems can save up to 75 percent of the available floor space while reducing labor by 2/3 and improving accuracy to 99.99 percent levels.
  • The carousel is comprised of a series of bins with shelves that rotate around a horizontal track, delivering stored items to an operator driven via inventory management software.
  • An integrated Lightree Pick to Light device directs the operator’s actions, improving picking accuracy and productivity.
  • A scissor-lift workstation platform is used to move the operator from the floor to top position for 100 percent ergonomic order picking.
  • Two to four carousels are integrated into one workstation called a pod.
  • In operation, XPress Pix inventory control software downloads a wave of orders from the host.
  • The conveyor can be mounted at the top, middle or bottom position to eliminate wasted motion and travel time.

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