Exempt from the EU ATEX Directive

Parker Balston membrane compressed-air dryers are now exempt from the EU ATEX Directive because they are non-electrical and have no moving mechanical components.

According to the Filtration and Separation Division of Parker Hannifin, Parker Balston membrane compressed-air dryers are now exempt from the EU ATEX Directive because they are non-electrical and have no moving mechanical components. As a result, the air movement within the product is not likely to produce static as an ignition hazard because there is not enough energy around to cause an ignition. Other features include:

  • The power to dehydrate and purify compressed air.
  • The capability to lower a compressed air stream’s dew point without electricity or moving parts, thereby permitting use in flammable and hazardous environments where explosions or fires are a concern.
  • The removal of all compressed air contaminants of 0.01 micron in size and larger.
  • A dew point of -40°F (-40°C) and lower.
  • Easy configuration and suitability for constrained spaces.
  • Wall mounting.
  • The inclusion of prefilters, membrane, modules and mounting brackets with the system.

