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For Almost Every Liquid Heating Application

Durex Industries recently released its standard screw plug immersion heater for almost every liquid heating application imaginable.

Durex Industries recently released its standard screw plug immersion heater for almost every liquid heating application imaginable. Features include:

  • Operation at 60 W/inches2, 500 W to 18 kW and 120 V/1 phase to 480 V/3 phase.
  • Various sheath materials, including steel, copper and Incoloy® 840. 
  • Threaded fittings for easy tank insertion and removal.
  • Brazed or welded tubular heater elements for easy mounting to NPT fittings.
  • Suitability for process temperature control applications in chemical, petroleum, water, metal and other process industries. 
  • The power to ship hundreds of options for 1-, 2- and 2-1/2-inch NPT screw plug immersion heaters in 2 days. 

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