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For Mobile Project Management

Atidan LLC offers an updated version of ProjectExploreâ„¢ for iPad, a mobile application for project managers to work with Microsoft Project Server 2010.


ProjectExploreâ„¢ for iPadAtidan LLC offers an updated version of ProjectExploreâ„¢ for iPad, a mobile application for project managers to work with Microsoft Project Server 2010. According to the company, the updated version:

  • Provides a flexible project management solution with the ability to view an enterprise dashboard of projects and resources, detailed individual project plans, resource and project allocations and work distributions.
  • Delivers improvements to the Project Details interface including a new Gantt chart view, highlights for tasks that are in the critical path, and the ability to see over-allocated tasks.
  • Offers a Resource Center that now highlights resource unavailability and weekends.
  • Does not require any Microsoft Project server plugins or modifications.
  • Requires Windows Authentication to the Microsoft Project Server from the user’s Apple iPad.

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