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An Integrated Flowmetering Solution

Solartron's integrated flowmetering solution eliminates the need to manually enter complex flow algorithms into a master control system on its digital Seastream flowmeters.

Solartron now offers an integrated flowmetering solution on its digital Seastream flowmeters, thereby eliminating the need to manually enter complex flow algorithms into a master control system. According to the company, its built-in Seastream FloCalculator flowmeter additionally delivers:

  • Mass flow, actual volumetric and standard volumetric flow rates, along with standard process variable outputs. 
  • The capability to measure differential pressure, pressure and temperature. 
  • The power to produce differential pressure and pressure variables as standard, while the process temperature can be fed in from a network master manually or read directly from an external sensor.
  • Accuracy and simplicity through a direct flow measurement output, resulting in a lower cost and enhanced well production.
  • Suitability for subsea applications, ensuring compatibility with other project equipment, such as remotely operated vehicles, subsea trees, gathering lines, available power and communication protocols.
  • A high level of customization with advanced set-up parameters, such as temperature correction method, actual fluid density method, polynomial coefficients and meter calibration data.
  • Configurability using off-the-shelf CANopen network software.

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