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USDA Rotary Valves

GEA Nu-Con has specifically designed its rotary valves to comply with USDA requirements.

GEA Nu-Con has specifically designed its rotary valves to comply with USDA requirements, as well as to boast:

  • Tools-free demounting, which affords the customer a convenient method to remove the rotor from the valve body.
  • Precise rotor alignment to enable easy re-assembly after cleaning or inspection.
  • Suitability to meet the demanding requirements of the dairy industry.
  • An optional easy-slide system that virtually eliminates rotor droop and allows unaided operation for maintenance personnel.
  • Availability of an RDS Gen2 rotor detection system, which features full operation during wet clean-in-place cleaning, in addition to the convenience of configuring and monitoring up to 25 valves via a site SCADA system.

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