Metering Pumps with Improved Valve Performance

Neptune™ Chemical Pump Co., a leading manufacturer of chemical metering pumps, offers pump designs that allow automation to respond to changes in flow rate — or to maintain pH or other variables — using VS drives or electronic stroke control.

Neptune™ Chemical Pump Co., a leading manufacturer of chemical metering pumps, offers pump designs that allow automation to respond to changes in flow rate — or to maintain pH or other variables — using VS drives or electronic stroke control. The pumps feature:

  • A Variable Oil By-Pass™ stroke adjustment that allows for better valve performance than traditional variable-linkage designs.
  • The ability to be adjustable from 10-percent to 100-percent of capacity via micrometer dial and EZE-CLEAN™ valve cartridges that can be removed for cleaning without disturbing the piping to the pump.
  • Capabilities to 80 gph (302 lph) simplex and 160 gph (605 lph) duplex at pressures up to 3,000 psi (210 KG/cm).

WEFTEC Booth # 2719

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