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Fast and Affordable Thermal Imagers

Fluke Corp. has introduced the P3 Series of thermal imagers which deliver proven, practical performance for a wide range of diagnostic applications.

Fast and Affordable Thermal Imagers from FlukeFluke Corp. has introduced the P3 Series of thermal imagers which deliver proven, practical performance for a wide range of diagnostic applications. The imagers feature:

  • Choice of the Ti32 and TiR32 models, the new Ti27 and Ti29 models for industrial, electrical, mechanical, and process applications; and TiR27 and TiR29 models for building inspection, energy audit, weatherization, and building maintenance applications.
  • Design which was created to work in even the harshest environments and provide superior image quality with one-handed, easy-to-use interfaces.
  • Industry-leading thermal sensitivity, the largest total pixel image count (76,800 pixels for the Ti32/TiR32 models), and superior spatial resolution that, combined with the 3.7-inch diagonal, full VGA-color LCD displays, provides sharp, clear images which make it easy to spot even the slightest temperature difference.
  • Imagers can measure temperature from -20 ºC to 600 ºC on Ti models (-20 ºC to 150 ºC on TiR models), feature a high temperature color alarm on the industrial models and low temperature or dewpoint color alarm on the building models, and allow voice annotation.
  • Patented Fluke IR-Fusion® technology that captures infrared and visible light images and simultaneously displays them fused together to better diagnose issues multiple viewing modes and allows users to manipulate images right on the camera's display.
  • Users are able to manage and analyze images with complete control over both the infrared and visible light spectrums — IR-Fusion makes it easier to identify details and potential problems.
  • Optional interchangeable wide-angle and IR-Fusion-enabled telephoto lenses (only available from Fluke) to cover any application, and feature high-resolution displays with infrared detector resolutions up to 320 by 240 pixels for crisp, detailed images.
  • SmartView® professional IR analysis and reporting software is included with each thermal imager with unlimited licenses and free lifetime upgrades.
  • Imagers come complete with a 2GB memory card, two rechargeable batteries that provide more than 4 hours of operating time each, AC charger/power supply, adjustable hand strap and Fluke signature hard and soft transport cases.

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