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Quicker PROFINET-Based Connections

Danfoss Drives introduces the VLT® PROFINET MCA120 Option Card for expanding the Ethernet communication capabilities of the VLT® AutomationDrive to PROFINET-based networks.

Danfoss Drives introduces the VLT® PROFINET MCA120 Option Card for expanding the Ethernet communication capabilities of the VLT® AutomationDrive to PROFINET-based networks. This option card handles a single connection with an Actual Packet Interval down to 1 ms in both directions, positioning it among the fastest PROFINET devices in the market. Additionally, the MCA120 features a built-in web server for remote diagnostics and visual confirmation of basic drive parameters, as well as an e-mail notifier for when warnings or alarms occur and when they’re cleared. Supported application protocols include:

  • PROFINET for control and parameter setting.
  • HTTP for diagnosis via the built-in web server.
  • SMTP for e-mail notification. 
  • The PROFINET Option Card also supports DHCP for automatic IP address configuration, FTP for file uploading and downloading and TSC for accessing drive configuration data from Danfoss’ MCT 10 and DCP. This makes topology and neighborhood recognition, as well as IP-address assertion, possible from a PLC.

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