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DENSO Robotics Library for NI LabVIEW

DENSO Robotics has collaborated with National Instruments on a new NI LabVIEW library that simplifies robot setup, saving time and development costs.

DENSO Robotics has collaborated with National Instruments on a new NI LabVIEW library that simplifies robot setup, saving time and development costs. This ImagingLab Robotics Library for DENSO contains:

  • A set of easy-to-use graphical functions that let you control and program DENSO robots and peripheral devices from within a single LabVIEW application.
  • A convenient way of integrating DENSO robots into your applications without having to learn a new programming language.
  • The flexibility to be used as a standalone module or along with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module, which permits the design and graphical programming of real-time applications.
  • Compatibility with NI Smart Cameras for vision-guided robotics and NI data-acquisition hardware for measurement applications.
