Process Plunger Pumps

These direct drive, vertically mounted process plunger pumps are designed for continuous operation. The wetted components are manufactured from rust- and acid-resistant materials. Because the pump is mounted vertically, the cross head and plunger weights are neutralized within the sealing system

These direct drive, vertically mounted process plunger pumps are designed for continuous operation. The wetted components are manufactured from rust- and acid-resistant materials. Because the pump is mounted vertically, the cross head and plunger weights are neutralized within the sealing system, effectively reducing wear on all oscillating components. The vertical configuration also ensures automatic air venting, which greatly decreases the possibility of cavitation. Metallic non-contacting plunger sealing systems have no seal collars or packings on the high-pressure side. They provide extended service lifetimes and allow for long intervals between scheduled maintenance tasks. Various plunger materials are selected to suit the fluid characteristics of the medium and performance parameters required of the pump.

Hammelmann Corp., Dayton, OH; 800-783-4935;
