INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Reports say a California startup company will create more than 1,000 jobs in Indianapolis
LiTEBOX Inc. chief executive Bob Yanagihara told the Indianapolis Business Journal and WRTV-TV on Tuesday that his company expects to hire 1,200 employees, mostly at a 125,000-square-foot factory on the city's northwest side that will produce trucks with giant video screens. WRTV reported 100 people will staff a downtown operations center.
Yanagihara told the IBJ the new factory will produce eight trucks per month selling for about $3 million each and featuring 47-foot-tall, high-definition Panasonic screens and Bose sound equipment.
He said state and city economic development officials have offered the company incentives including tax abatements and training grants worth more than $40 million over 10 years.
An event announcing the project was planned for Wednesday.