DuPont, Easton-Bell Feud Over Kevlar Trademark

The DuPont Co. is feuding with sports equipment maker Easton-Bell Sports over the use of the Kevlar trademark in packaging for bicycle tires and locks. DuPont filed a federal lawsuit in Delaware this week claiming that Easton-Bell's prominent use of the Kevlar trademark on tire and lock packages infringes on DuPont's trademark.

DOVER, Del. (AP) — The DuPont Co. is feuding with sports equipment maker Easton-Bell Sports over the use of the Kevlar trademark in packaging for bicycle tires and locks.

DuPont filed a federal lawsuit in Delaware this week claiming that Easton-Bell's prominent use of the Kevlar trademark on tire and lock packages infringes on DuPont's trademark. DuPont says Easton-Bell's packaging suggests that DuPont endorses or sponsors the tire and lock products, which it does not.

DuPont tried to work out a licensing deal with Easton-Bell, based in Scotts Valley, Calif., but Easton-Bell rejected it, saying DuPont's proposed licensing fees were exorbitant.

Easton-Bell instead filed its own lawsuit in federal court in California last week, seeking a court declaration that it is not infringing on DuPont's trademarks.
