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MN Shutdown Shuts Down Georgia-Pacific Plant

DULUTH, Minn. (AP) — The Georgia-Pacific plant in Duluth has been shut down because it can't replenish its water supply from Lake Superior during the government shutdown in Minnesota. That means nearly 150 employees are off the job for the duration of the shutdown because the state Department of Natural Resources has suspended the company's water use permit.

DULUTH, Minn. (AP) — The Georgia-Pacific plant in Duluth has been shut down because it can't replenish its water supply from Lake Superior during the government shutdown in Minnesota.

That means nearly 150 employees are off the job for the duration of the shutdown because the state Department of Natural Resources has suspended the company's water use permit.

Georgia-Pacific uses water from the lake to cool its equipment used in making hardboard for auto interiors. The DNR says it doesn't have the staff to monitor water levels.

Georgia-Pacific spokeswoman Melodie Ruse tells Minnesota Public Radio News ( ) the company will likely appeal to the court-appointed special master to allow it to resume operations.

Taconite mines and paper plant are also affected by the water use permit suspension, but there are no immediate reports of closures in those industries.
