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Hitachi To Open Third KY Plant

BEREA, Ky. (AP) — Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas Inc. is opening its third plant in Kentucky. The new plant, to be located in Berea in central Kentucky, will make electric drive motors for hybrid and electric vehicles, including the Chevy Volt. The company is investing $74.5 million in the facility, which will create 130 new jobs.

BEREA, Ky. (AP) — Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas Inc. is opening its third plant in Kentucky.

The new plant, to be located in Berea in central Kentucky, will make electric drive motors for hybrid and electric vehicles, including the Chevy Volt. The company is investing $74.5 million in the facility, which will create 130 new jobs.

Hitachi has locations in Harrodsburg and Berea.

Hitachi Ltd. is based in Tokyo.

Gov. Steve Beshear's office says operations at the new plant in Berea are expected to start late this year, with the first electric motors to ship from the factory in mid-2012.

The plant has been approved for up to $4 million in tax incentives.