Nissan, Honda, Mazda Car Sales Down In China

Nissan Motor Co., Honda Motor Co. and Mazda Motor Corp. all announced Monday that their sales of new passenger cars in China in the first two months of the year fell from the same period last year. Toyota Motor Corp. on Friday announced a similar drop in sales in the reporting period.

BEIJING, March 4 (Kyodo) — Nissan Motor Co., Honda Motor Co. and Mazda Motor Corp. all announced Monday that their sales of new passenger cars in China in the first two months of the year fell from the same period last year.

Toyota Motor Corp. on Friday announced a similar drop in sales in the reporting period. The results indicate that while the fallout from a consumer boycott of Japanese products last year sparked by a territorial dispute has largely passed, a full-fledged recovery will take time.

By automaker, Nissan's sales in January and February fell 14.1 percent on the year to 174,000 units, Honda's dipped 4.1 percent on the year to 79,272 units, while Mazda's dropped 19.4 percent to 29,501 units.

Toyota said its sales of new passenger cars in China fell 13.3 percent in the first two months of the year from a year earlier to 108,800.
