Eaton will host a special Technology Day at its Houston Experience Center, 3413 North Sam Houston Pkwy West, Suite 212A Houston, TX, on Wednesday, May 24. Eaton’s Tech Day offers an innovative combination of expert market analysis, live demonstrations of Eaton’s product and solutions, and technical seminars and classes.
Attendees can participate in training courses throughout the day to receive continuing education units (CEUs). More than 10 courses, that cover a wide range of educational topics in areas such as industrial lighting, power quality, power distribution and more, will be offered multiple times throughout the day.
The event features new product demonstrations, focused on increasing safety and installation efficiency while providing preventative maintenance and mitigation of downtime. Additionally, attendees are invited to meet and discuss business challenges face-to-face with industry experts during the evening portion of the event.
New and existing customers are welcome to discover the value of Eaton’s innovative products and solutions within the electrical industry. Online registration is available at
The Houston Experience Center provides a global education solution with the unique ability to give customers hands-on training in a true application environment. Eaton’s Tech Day offers engineers and other technical professionals across a range of industries the opportunity to advance technical knowledge and gather needed training certifications quickly and conveniently, by taking advantage of Eaton’s expert market analysis and world-class training facility. Learn more about the training capabilities of Eaton’s Experience Center.