Kentucky Officials Start Food-Focused Website to Promote Culinary Tourism

Kentucky tourism officials have launched a food-focused website to promote culinary tourism in the state. The Kentucky Department of Travel and Tourism says the website will serve as the initial source for information on culinary destinations across the state.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky tourism officials have launched a food-focused website to promote culinary tourism in the state.

The website was announced Wednesday at the Kentucky Travel Industry Association's annual fall conference.

The Kentucky Department of Travel and Tourism says will serve as the initial source for information on culinary destinations across the state. The website offers visitors a chance to explore local restaurants, farms, farmer's markets, breweries, wineries, culinary trails and events.

Local chef highlights and videos will also be featured on the website.

The state travel and tourism agency kicked off its culinary efforts in July, when 47 food destinations in eastern Kentucky were recognized in the national map-guide, Bon AppĂ©tit Appalachia.

The map-guide was developed by the Appalachian Regional Commission to showcase Appalachia's distinctive food destinations.
