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Daily Sound Bite: Dairy Processors Oppose Milk Limitations

Twenty-eight dairy processors sent letters to the Senate conferees for the 2013 Farm Bill, asking them to accept the House-passed title that does not include a new program called the Dairy Market Stabilization Program, which would periodically limit milk supplies.

Twenty-eight dairy processors sent letters to the Senate conferees for the 2013 Farm Bill, asking them to accept the House-passed title that does not include a new program called the Dairy Market Stabilization Program, which would periodically limit milk supplies. The letter reads:

"The Senate bill would require dairy farmers enrolled in a margin insurance program to periodically limit the amount of milk their farms can sell. And it would empower USDA to regulate our businesses, by requiring us to withhold a portion of our commercial market payments to dairy farmers who supply milk to our manufacturing plants and submit these funds to USDA instead."

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