DENVER, Colo. (PRWEB) — Lightning Labels, leader in printing custom labels and stickers, is helping brands stay on top of hot sauce labeling trends. When designing custom hot sauce labels, it's important to keep target consumers in mind. For instance, foodies and college students will be attracted to different types of labels.
"Before creating a custom hot sauce label, it's important to think about the customer who will be buying the product," said AnneMarie Campbell, Business Development Manager at Lightning Labels. "Are they hoping to liven up a bland meal with their hot sauces, or it is part of a gourmet experience? Considering this aspect of audience targeting will help companies create the right label for their products."
Be Smart About Targeted Hot Sauce Labeling:
With targeted hot sauce labeling, brands are more likely to reach the ideal customer. There are many different types of consumers who may be interested in unique companies. Some may be habitual hot sauce users who have a go-to brand for their morning eggs, while others may be more interested in seeking out artisanal companies for unique flavor-enhancing ingredients. For the informal diner, it may be more useful to emphasize basics, like the level of spiciness consumers can expect and maybe a few suggestions about what kinds of foods can be improved with a light dash of hot sauce. Hot sauce labels are typically red and orange to emphasize that the ingredients are hot. However, even casual hot sauce eaters can appreciate creative design. Using peppers or fire on the label is a good way to let consumers know what they're in for, but it's also a good idea to come up with a consistent brand image too.
Aim Custom Hot Sauce Stickers at Foodies:
Companies can also benefit from targeting custom hot sauce stickers at individuals who are especially interested in artisanal food, whether they are the type who frequently dines out, or the kind of shopper who spends hours preparing a home cooked meal. For this consumer group, brands should emphasize ingredients and flavors on the label. The contents of the bottle should be the central design element. Coming up with a minimalist look that highlights taste profiles, ingredients and food pairings is a good idea. It's also smart to note whether the hot sauce goes well with a particular ethnic cuisine. A greater focus on content doesn't have to be boring. With the right design, typeface and use of white space can create an elegant appearance.