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Refrigerated Foods Association Releases DVD Training Program

Recognizing that a correctly trained staff is the foundation for food safety in any food plant, the Refrigerated Foods Association (RFA),an organization of manufacturers and suppliers of prepared,refrigerated foods, has developed a new DVD training program designed to educate plant workers on basic food safety principles and ready employees for further training in plant specific policies.

Recognizing that a correctly trained staff is the foundation for food safety in any food plant, the Refrigerated Foods Association (RFA),an organization of manufacturers and suppliers of prepared,refrigerated foods, has developed a new DVD training program designed to educate plant workers on basic food safety principles and ready employees for further training in plant specific policies.
        Titled “Operation Food Safety: Everyone’s Mission,” the RFA Training DVD encourages food plant workers to enlist in a challenging – but winnable – battle to prevent foodborne illness and disease. The project, which was just released at the RFA’s Annual Conference and Exhibition in February, was created and produced by the RFA Technical Committee, RFA Technical DirectorMartin Mitchell, and co-sponsored by RFA member companies Silliker, Inc., Ecolab, Inc., KerryBio-Science, Moody Dunbar, Inc., IPL, Inc., and Packaging Technologies.
        The 20-minute DVD program begins with an intensive overview of refrigerated foods and important programs that can ensure their safety and quality. It is then divided into seven short training sessions covering: HACCP, personal hygiene, microorganisms in the plant, equipment cleanliness, building maintenance, allergen control and food defense.
        Through actual in-plant footage filmed at the manufacturing plants of Lakeview Farms, Inc. and St. Clair Foods, Inc., employees are given tangible, everyday examples of key food safety principles and practices.
        Each copy of “Operation Food Safety: Everyone’s Mission” includes both an English and Spanish version and is accompanied by a CD manual, containing a read-along section with an overview of each information session, an Instructor’s guide with suggestions on how to conduct training, and a short quiz and answer key to test employees’ knowledge in each session after training.
        Members of the Association will receive one copy of the RFA Training DVD and CD manual free of charge. For non-members, the program will be available for purchase for $200. To order a copy of the RFA Training DVD, please visit the Silliker, Inc. website at