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FPSA Members Hone Financial Skills At Strategies Seminar

FPSA welcomed its members to Chicago, IL for the 2010 Financial Strategies Seminar developed by members of the Meat Industry Suppliers Alliance (MISA). Topics included planning and forecasting, foreign capital preservation, leasing and financing, and risk management. Speakers included Patrick McNally and Steven Baer from Blackman Kallick, Lynn Durning from Wells Fargo, and Bob Seeds from the International Financial Services Corporation.

FPSA welcomed its members to Chicago, IL for the 2010 Financial Strategies Seminar developed by members of the Meat Industry Suppliers Alliance (MISA). Topics included planning and forecasting, foreign capital preservation, leasing and financing, and risk management. Speakers included Patrick McNally and Steven Baer from Blackman Kallick, Lynn Durning from Wells Fargo, and Bob Seeds from the International Financial Services Corporation.

“With economic challenges continuing within our industry and within our customers’ businesses as well, the council developed these seminars to provide insight into alternative and proactive ways of moving forward,” remarked MISA Chairman George Reed of the F. R. Drake Company.

"This year's Industry Council event was a tremendous success," added FPSA board member Gil Williams of Poly-clip System. "We had members traveling from many different states to participate in these sessions and they were able to take the information back to their businesses and put it to good use. This is another instance of FPSA providing excellent value to the membership" 

For images of the 2010 Financial Strategies Seminar, please click here

In addition to the educational sessions, the MISA board also met to discuss the agenda for FPSA members’ next educational opportunity, the 2011 Annual Conference to be held March 9-12 at the Desert Springs JW Marriott in Palm Desert, CA. A dynamic list of speakers will be presented at the general sessions, and each of the FPSA industry councils will also be presenting specialized breakout sessions. 

For more information on FPSA, contact Adam Finney at (703) 663-1226 or [email protected]
